Software testing is an integral part of developing products and, as such, managers are always trying to find new ways to manage testing. But software testing is part of a bigger picture, which has to do with the development of new technologies, with trends in IT and business and with the global workforce, among others. In this article, we discuss some of these trends that influence your business and that, if you understand, you can use to your advantage.
Testing Automation
As new and improved tools are released, testing automation is becoming the rule rather than the exception. Manual testing won’t be completely replaced because you need it for certain types of applications or creative solutions. However, testing automation is great in optimizing testing processes and in reducing costs while improving product quality quickly and without too much hassle. You should consider it for all your projects.
Software Testing Outsourcing
Software testing cost companies a lot of resources, in terms of time and money. To do good testing, you need know-how, specialized staff, tools and project management. Can companies somehow avoid dealing with these issues? The answer is “yes” and more and more businesses are contracting suppliers for their testing needs. The main advantages of testing outsourcing are cost reduction, less complex operations, better testing and ability to focus on core activities.
Specialization and Experience
Testers become more specialized through education and certification. They also require years of experience that allow them to tackle complex projects quickly, professionally and with good results. This is great news for companies because they can have improved products and user experience. What you need to know though is that these specialists are usually part of third party testing services, and you can rarely find them in companies where they would have little room to evolve. So if you’re looking to reap the benefits of good testing, look at teams that have extensive experience with testing, in general, and knowledge of your industry, in particular.
User Experience
When it comes to software development, the user experience is taking a front row. Everything has to work seamlessly and intuitively for the user, or else they will look for an alternative. In a world in which people have little or no patience for errors, bugs or intricate paths, testing is more and more focused on improving the user experience. Companies need to understand this and invest in UX. The problem is that few testing professionals are truly experienced with this, so make sure your business is on of those who gets their hands on people who know how to improve user experience through testing.
Agile Environment
Working in an agile environment means more flexibility and openness, more efficiency and shorter release cycles – all essential ingredients if you want to remain competitive in the marketplace. It’s no wonder that agile testing is a trend to follow. Agile testing recognizes that testing is an integral part of the software development process. Testers on agile teams collaborate closely with developers to find solutions and create products that are as close to consumer needs as possible.
We hope that you found this information useful. For more in-depth analyses on how you can make this trends work for your business and on what type of testing is best suited for your project, contact Euro-Testing and we will give you an assessment of your needs and provide the best solutions for your particular situation.